Words Upon a Time

A Life's Journey


Why I Share Our Story

Why I share our story……..

I share our story……….because there is a fulfillment that comes to my ailing heart when I’m able to express my feelings about the journey that our family has endured in these recent years.

I share our story……….because it brings me comfort dealing with my own sadness and emotion when it comes to my parents and the struggles we unfortunately have to weather.

I share our story……….because I believe that God has been inspiring me to express my feelings and tell the stories that others can relate to in hopes that that they may find comfort in my words.

I share our story………because Alzheimer’s does not discriminate.  I know that those who have had a loved one affected by this disease can be great sources of information to others who are just beginning to experience it’s intrusion into their lives.

I share our story………..because through all of our heartache and emotional pain our faith in the Lord has continued to guide us along the way.  Alzheimer’s can rob you of many things but never ever let it rob you of your faith because in the bad days it will be your salvation.

I share our story……….because although over 5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s there exists a stigma for those inflicted with this dreadful disease.  By caregivers telling their stories we can help educate people so they will have a better understanding of the disease.

I share our story………..so that others will have empathy for those whose minds and bodies are fragile because of illness or old age.  Particularly those in the care facilities who are charged with the everyday care of those who are not able to care for themselves any longer.

I share our story…………for our family so that they we will never forget those strong, faithful, compassionate, loving people who are the very reason we breathe life today.  That we may draw on the same strength of their character when we face adversity in our lives today, tomorrow and in future.

I share our story………..because I won’t let Alzheimer’s beat us!  There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s that is why it’s important that more people become advocates.  We must fight for more funding for research to beat Alzheimer’s.

I share our story……….because I don’t want our family’s suffering to be in vain.  My mother is suffering from this awful slow killer and I can honor her life and her struggle by doing what I know she would support and that’s telling her story for all the good that it can do.


I share our story………..to honor my mother and father who are the greatest source of all and everything I am.

Matthew • December 6, 2015

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  1. Mari December 6, 2015 - 8:51 PM Reply

    And I thank you sharing ❤️

  2. Viola ramirez December 7, 2015 - 12:13 AM Reply

    I love that you share your story with the world on this horrible disease.There is no cure as of yet,but we will continue to pray with you all, that one day there will be one.And those of us who have love ones who suffer daily with this,know that only the Lord will give us strength,patience and understanding to deal with those who suffer from it.Mathew keep on sharing your stories you are a great mentor to many and a good son to your parents!

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